Healthcare goods

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When your heart contracts, blood is forced out of the heart, and the pressure increases. When your heart relaxes, the pressure decreases.
A blood pressure monitor allows you to see the pressure at both points. The higher number is called thesystolic pressure, and the lower number is the diastolic pressure. For example, a normal blood pressure is "115 over 70":

Why should one go for thyroid test?

Thyroid Function Tests include a group of tests performed to check if your thyroid glands are functioning normally or not. Most people do not give thyroid a second thought. Yet, thyroid is essential to help each cell in each tissue and organ to work right and hence vital for a healthy body. Thyroid malfunctioning could lead to reduced energy levels, gaining/ losing weight, weakness in the body and much more. It is not always easy to notice Thyroid Disorder unless tested. It is recommended that one does a blood test for thyroid disorders at least once every five years especially after the age of 50.

Tests covered in thyroid profile

Thyroid test is accomplished by measuring levels of T3, T4 and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormones) in your blood. Performing a blood test uncovers a number of issues that leads to conditions like poor metabolism, fatigue and a feeling of poor health.

Steps invlolved in getting a thyroid test done

There are a few basic steps involved in getting your thyroid profile done. Firstly, you need fill in the form by clicking on the link given above. The Thyrocare coordinator will get in touch with you to book a date for thyroid test. Then their representative will come over and collect your blood & urine samples. The test fees need to be paid at that point. Later, Thyrocare will send you a soft copy of the thyroid test report as well as a hard copy which will be delivered home. You can now consult your doctor to check how well you are faring on all the important parameters.

Related Discount Offers and Coupons in India March, 2013


Please share with fellow users, items you had purchased from Thyrocare, how much money you have saved, what services you have used OR any other information that might help in their buying decision. Please do not self-promote nor complain against the merchant here. For any such issues, please contact Thyrocare customer support.
Common Thyroid Symptoms:
1) Fatigue or muscles swelling or cramps
2) Tingling in the fingers 
3) Loss of equilibrium 
4) Weight gain
5) Dry skin and cold intolerance 
6) Yellow skin
7) Coarseness or loss of hair 
8) Depression
9) Low heart rate
10) Hoarseness in voice
11) Goiter (enlarged Thyroid causing a lump in the neck) 
12) Constipation
13) Memory and mental impairment 
14) Decreased concentration 
15) Infertility or miscarriages 
16) Myxedema: fluid infiltration of the tissues causing puffiness (mainly in the face)
17) Irregular or heavy menstruation

Life in a fast lane has led many to ignore their health. Until its too late then we realize Health is our True Wealth.Introducing Thyrocare's Complete preventive HEALTH CHECK UP packages for Everyone - an ideal profile that would tell the status and functions of the vital organs like Liver, Kidney, Heart, Thyroid, Sugar etc there by revealing your exact health status..
We would really appreciate if you could forward this mail to all your colleagues/friends so even  they can utilize this offer.

Preventive Heath Profile can be availed by anyone who believes in prevention is better than cure. Select any one package out of 3 mentioned below.

Package with 63 Tests - Rs 2500 (ActualRs 5000)
Folic Acid
ANA (Anti Nulear Antibody)
ACC Peptide Antibody(Accp)
Cardiac Risk Markers(5) - Apolipo protein - A1 � Apolipo protein B � ApoB / Apo A1 Ratio � C - Reactive Protein � Homocysteine �Lipo protein(A)
Electrolytes profile(3) - Sodium,Potassium,Chloride
25 OH Vitamin D total
Vitamin B12
Diabetic HbA1c
Lipid Profile (7)
Liver Profile (10)
Kidney Profile (5)
Iron Deficiency Profile (3)
Thyroid Profile (3)
CBC Complete blood Count with ESR(17)

Package with 59 Tests - Rs 2200 (Actual Rs 3600)

Cardiac Risk Markers(5) - Apolipo protein - A1 � Apolipo protein B � ApoB / Apo A1 Ratio � C - Reactive Protein � Homocysteine �Lipoprotein(A)
Electrolytes profile(3) - Sodium,Potassium,Chloride
25 OH Vitamin D total
Vitamin B12
Diabetic HbA1c
Lipid Profile (7)
Liver Profile (10)
Kidney Profile (5)
Iron Deficiency Profile (3)
Thyroid Profile (3)
CBC Complete blood Count with ESR(17)

Package with 50 Tests - Rs 1600 (Actual Rs 2600)

25 OH Vitamin D total
Vitamin B12
Diabetic HbA1c
Lipid Profile (7)
Liver Profile (10)
Kidney Profile (5)
Iron Deficiency Profile (3)
Thyroid Profile (3)
CBC Complete blood Count with ESR(17)

Steps to Avail the Health Check UpBenefit 
1. For booking please send below details by email to 
contact no.9835365988.(service available for Muzaffarpur only.)

Package Name (Select one out of above 3):-
Number of Persons to be diagnosed:-
Complete Names of all people undergoing the tests:-
Postal Address:-
Pin code:-
Mobile No:-

2. Once you send above details you will get confirmation SMS which you need to acknowledge by sending SMS YES on that number.
3. You will then get SMS & Email with nearest center contact details.
4. You can contact that no & fix appointment or else you would get call from local center within 48 hrs.
5. Lab Technician will visit your place in morning as per appointment & blood samples will be collected.
6. You need to make the payment at the same time of sample collection to the Technician.
7. Reports will be couriered at your residence in 3-4 Working days. We will also email the Soft copy of the reports within 48 hrs on your email address mentioned while booking.

All India Services available. Home service available in selected cities within city limits only.

With Regards
Dsa' Thyrocare Technologies Ltd. 

Diabetes Care Package
For a variety of reasons, Indians have a larger than normal likelihood of developing diabetes mellitus. The disease promises to be one of the major healthcare burdens for this country in the coming decades.
Many myths and misconceptions exist with regards to this disease. Most importantly, the belief that the disease is related only to "sugar" and is manageable by controlling or limiting the intake of sweet foods. The word sugar is used in a loose sense and should really be rephrased as "energy (calorie) giving foods"; of which the starches (sweet or otherwise) are the main group. The control of diabetes revolves around controlling the body's energy mechanisms, for which a wide range of strategies are available. A significant proportion of the effort in managing this disease lies with the patient and includes, in large measure, lifestyle modifications that have to be continuously maintained.
  • It is currently estimated that there are 35 million diabetics in India. The number is expected to increase by another 60% by the year 2025.
  • Almost 20% of patients seen by our physicians in the out-patient department of SMF has diabetes.
  • As much as 10% of adult in-patients at SMF are diabetic.
  • 60% of patients admitted to the ICU at SMF with heart attacks have diabetes.
  • 30% of patients admitted to SMF with stroke are diabetic.
  • 90% of patients admitted for complex foot infections are diabetic.
These complications are significantly reduced if the patient is able to achieve what is called tight control of the disease. Life long vigilance is needed.

DIABETES - more than just sugar control Any effort at understanding diabetes mellitus has to start with the grasp of the concept that this is not a disease that affects blood sugar levels in isolation. Over the years, the disease damages a wide variety of organ systems in the body such as the heart, kidneys, eyes and arteries leading to complications such as:
  • Heart attack
  • Kidney failure
  • Blindness
  • Stroke
  • Complex foot infections
  • Blockage of the major arteries to the lower limbs leading to amputations.
Happily, strategies are now available that can significantly reduce the chances of developing these problems. Today, the successful management of diabetes involves access to a programme that stands on 3 pillars.
  1. An out-patient based diabetic clinic where a competent primary physician examines the patient and advises him or her about the relevant tests and interventions that are needed.
  2. The availability of a range of specialists such as cardiologists, nephrologists, ophthalmologists, neurologists and reconstructive surgeons to deal with the problems mentioned above.
  3. In-patient care in a full-facility hospital when needed.
The Diabetes Care Package at Sundaram Medical Foundation is tailored to span the entire spectrum of needs of diabetic patients in one location.
THE PACKAGE The Diabetes Care Package is a carefully structured, cost-effective compilation of a group of tests and examinations that will permit an accurate estimation of the diabetic status and allow us to provide the required advice. It will consist of the following items.
  1. Registration
  2. Laboratory tests - fasting
  3. Detailed questionaire
  4. ECG
  5. Comprehensive foot evaluation including pedobarographic studies and doppler pressures
  6. Complete evaluation by physician
  7. Laboratory tests - post-prandial
  8. Ophthalmlogist's evaluation
  9. Pedopowergraph fat evaluation
  10. Dietician's evaluation and advice
  11. Review with physician-in-charge with all reports
  12. Recommendations and follow-up advice
  13. Handing over of final reports
The Diabetes Care Package include following tests:
  • Urine analysis
  • Fasting and post-prandial plasma glucose
  • Lipid profile
  • Serum creatinine
  • HbA1C glycosylated hemoglobin estimation
  • ECG
  • Urine protein excretion
  • Pedopowergraph
Please note: The schedule listed above may not be done in the same sequence as outlined for logistic reasons. However, the entire package will be covered within the day.
  • This package is designed exclusively for the individual who is already diagnosed as having diabetes. It aims to provide an accurate assessment of the present status of the person and to offer advice regarding ongoing management of the problem.
  • Patients may register at the clinic on any working day - Monday to Saturday.
  • Appointments may be made in person or over the phone.
  • The package will take several hours to complete (7:30 AM to 3:30 PM). It will usually be completed on the same day.
  • Patients should be on an empty stomach (nothing to eat or drink from 10:00 PM of the previous night).
  • Current medications should not be discontinued. Please contact us for any clarifications.

For appointments and information, please phone:9835365988
Rs 1500/- Based on this package, additional consultations and investigations may be recommended. The charges for such items will be additional.

Diabetes Complications

Diabetes can affect any part of your body. When your blood sugar level stays high for a long time, you may have a greater chance of a heart attack, a stroke, kidney damage, or blindness. Other long-term complications of diabetes include bone and joint disorders, skin problems, digestive problems, sexual dysfunction, and problems with your teeth and gums. The links below takes you to trusted resources for information on diabetes complications.



  • Diabetic eye problems/Diabetic retinopathy
  • Diabetic kidney problems/Diabetic nephropathy
  • Diabetic nerve problems/Diabetic neuropathy
  • Diabetic foot problems
  • NIH Retinopathy Rising

What is an Electrolyte?

In chemistry, an electrolyte is any substance containing free ions that make the substance electrically conductive. The most typical electrolyte is an ionic solution, but molten electrolytes and solid electrolytes are also possible.
Electrolytes commonly exist as solutions of acids, bases or salts. Furthermore, some gases may act as electrolytes under conditions of high temperature or low pressure. Electrolyte solutions can also result from the dissolution of some biological (e.g., DNA, polypeptides) and synthetic polymers (e.g., polystyrene sulfonate), termed polyelectrolytes, which contain charged functional group.
Electrolyte solutions are normally formed when a salt is placed into a solvent such as water and the individual components dissociate due to the thermodynamic interactions between solvent and solute molecules, in a process called solvation. For example, when table salt, NaCl, is placed in water, the salt (a solid) dissolves into its component elements, according to the dissociation reaction
NaCl(s) → Na+(aq) + Cl(aq).
It is also possible for substances to react with water when they are added to it, producing ions, e.g., carbon dioxide gas dissolves in water to produce a solution which contains hydronium, carbonate, and hydrogen carbonate ions.
Note that molten salts can be electrolytes as well. For instance, when sodium chloride is molten, the liquid conducts electricity.
An electrolyte in a solution may be described as ''concentrated'' if it has a high concentration of ions, or ''dilute'' if it has a low concentration. If a high ''proportion'' of the solute dissociates to form free ions, the electrolyte is ''strong''; if most of the solute does not dissociate, the electrolyte is ''weak''. The properties of electrolytes may be exploited using electrolysis to extract constituent elements and compounds contained within the solution.